
Save on Swimming Pool Heaters, Cleaners, and BioGuard Pool Chemicals!

Pool Season is almost here, and Aqua Pros Annual Spring Pool Chemical Sale is Going on now through April 15th!

The Aqua Pros Advantage

Save Money: As the area’s largest BioGuard Platinum Pool and Spa chemical retailer, Aqua Pros has the advantage to get you the best value for all your BioGuard pool and spa chemicals.  Aqua Pros’ customers appreciate our experienced, highly trained professionals testing their pool or spa water and the free print out that clearly details how to treat their pool or spa, for the best possible results. Now through February 28th, save 20% on your season’s chemicals for your in or above ground swimming pool!. Save 15% March 1st – 31st when you purchase your season’s chemicals, and then save 10% through April 15th!  Even if you don’t open your pool immediately, by purchasing your season’s chemicals early, you’ll also save when you do open. Aqua Pros extends the same discount to all your pool chemical needs and more, at your opening. In other words, after you open, bring us a sample of your pool water before you add anything and you’ll get up to 15% off all your pool care needs that visit, and anything else in our showrooms! If you only need balancers, then save on balancers.  If your pool’s a swamp, get up to 15% off everything to clear it up.  Either way, you win with this “pool opening insurance” and that is truly an Aqua Pros’ Advantage!
Save Time: It takes about 10 minutes to stop into any Aqua Pros, get your water sample analyzed, and have a simple explanation how to treat your pool or spa with BioGuard products.
Aqua Pros and BioGuard Alex software take the guesswork out of pool care and save you money and time.
Our service technicians are also well trained and friendly.  We’re like family to a lot of our customers, so give us a try and see for yourself that Aqua Pros is the place for savings on all your pool and spa supplies.

Aqua Pros’ and BioGuard’s Algae Free Guarantee
Purchase your Season’s Chemicals of a BioGuard 3 Step Chlorine Program and Optimizer and/or Pool Juice, or BioGuard’s enhanced saltwater pool care program Mineral Springs and not only will you save up to 15% on all your season’s chemicals, spring start-up chemicals, but you qualify for our Algae Free Guarantee. If your pool gets algae in-season, we’ll give you one FREE algae treatment!

Helpful Reminders from the Pros
Schedule Your Pool Opening Soon! 
Call, stop in, or email us to set up your pool opening.
Aqua Pros 21 Point Opening Checklist is our guarantee that your pool will be opened in the most professional manner possible.  Purchase your Season’s Chemicals before April 1st with a Level II Opening and save enough to pay for your opening!

Mid-Winter Pool Treatment: Stop into your nearest Aqua Pros now and get a mid-winter pool treatment.  It’s been an unseasonably warm winter and you don’t want to open to a swamp.  We suggest treating your pool with a shock and algae treatment immediately to help prevent opening to a bad surprise.

$100 DOLLAR Reward
: If you’re a Season’s Chemical Customer, when you refer a friend to buy their Season’s Chemicals from us or have us open their pool, you’ll get a $100 Store Credit (offer applies only to an Aqua Pros Season’s Chemical or regular customer)!

Sand Filters: Filter sand should be changed every 3-5 years (annually on a Biguanide pool).
SAVE $50 on a sand change at opening.  
is a great alternative to sand on chlorinated pools.  Talk to one of our associates for details to see if Zeobrite is right for your sand filter.

Switch to a Cartridge Filter: Cartridge filters are a great method of filtration and we at Aqua Pros think they do such a great job, we start all our new pools out with a Cartridge filter.  Here’s why: Cartridge filters have as much as three times the flow rate as a sand filter and filter particles more than half the size a sand filter captures.  Cartridge filters have as much as 3 Times the Flow Rate of conventional sand filters and can save you on your operating costs.  Cartridge filters have no moving parts to wear out, no laterals to break, and never get backwashed. Backwashing a sand filter dumps as much as 200-300 gallons from a residential pool each time.  There’s no backwashing a cartridge filter.  Cartridge filters simply get rinsed off when they get dirty and need cleaning, unless they get unusual amounts of oil in them in which case, they’d need a degrease treatment. 
When to Replace
Cartridge Filters: If your cartridge filter is over two years old, and/or the element is not still white in appearance, it’s probably in need of replacing.  If it was not cleaned last fall, degrease with Strip Kwik and Klean It.  Always have an extra cartridge (or set) on hand for when you clean it/them.  Cartridge filters must be allowed to dry after they’ve been chemically cleaned.

D.E. Filters: Always degrease any filter before cleaning scale or any mineral deposits.

Pump Replacement
If your swimming pool’s pump is in need of replacement this spring, ask the Aqua Pros experts about a Pentair Variable Speed Pump.  Variable speed pumps save you significantly on operating your swimming pool by running at lower speeds throughout the day, or night, when the pool is not in use.  The Pentair SuperFlo VS or the Intelliflow VS are 2 variable speed pumps designed to save money on pool operation.

Liner Replacement or Pool Resurfacing
If you’re pool’s vinyl liner is 10 years old or more, it’s time to consider changing it.  Take advantage of special spring offers and upgrades before they expire.  Order a new liner or pool resurfacing and get 10% off new pool equipment including: Saltwater pool systems, including BioGuard Mineral Springs Systems, Pentair Pumps, Filters, Heaters and Heat pumps.  We’ll also open your pool at no additional charge while we’re there.  Get details when you order.

Salt Water Systems: If you’ve considered a Salt Water system, at liner change is the ideal time to do it!

IMPORTANT BULLETIN REGARDING SALT SYSTEMS AND ELECTROLYSIS:  To prevent damage to any metals in contact with the pool water in a saltwater pool, such as heaters, we recommend installing a sacrificial Zinc Anode in the plumbing.

10% OFF Automatic Pool Cleaners!
The Dolphin M-400 robotic cleaner is getting rave reviews from owners because it saves time and money.  Save time when the cleaner is vacuuming and sweeping your pool for you.  Save money because our robotic cleaners not only scrub your pool surface, the debris they vacuum is captured inside their internal filter, instead of your pool filter, which would then have to be backwashed or cleaned.  Getting debris out of your pool and filter saves chemicals, saves money.   Because of the many benefits of the Dolphin M-400, you can actually reduce pump operating time by using it to its full advantage.
Save 15% OFF any pool cleaner with the purchase of your season’s chemicals.

CALL NOW or ORDER ONLINE TO SCHEDULE Service or a Pool Opening.

To schedule service or an opening call us at 434 237 5913 option 2 service or speak to your favorite sales representative.

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